I hear it all the time: “CrossFit might be great for some people, but it’s not for me.” It frustrates me because people don’t realize how wrong they are. Not only is CrossFit literally for everyone, but it’s also the most effective workout available. The CrossFit methodology is the most effective general physical preparedness program that exists.
CrossFit is not some overhyped, over-intensified, high-adrenaline workout that only suits the 1% of the overall fitness community. When CrossFit became a popular mainstream workout, it appealed to the most dedicated fitness gurus, who found a home with some of the most intense aspiring athletes. But it’s not an exclusive club for fitness nuts only.
In its purest form, CrossFit is designed with everyone in mind. It transcends age and physical ability. So, before you move on and dismiss the opportunity, let me give you two quick and straightforward reasons why CrossFit is the most effective workout available for you.
Both reasons involve inclusivity and scalability.
Every Effective CrossFit workout will meet you where you are in your fitness journey.
There are no barriers to CrossFit—that is, if you don’t count the excuses you create. Your coach-producing class safely and effectively modifies load, time, skill, and intensity.
Can't lift 100 lbs? Not a problem.
Can't do a strict pull-up? No worries.
Don't know how to power clean? We will teach you.
Our coaches work relentlessly with each individual in class to ensure you are working safely, confidently, and within your abilities. This main ingredient allows so many people to train in CrossFit for a lifetime and achieve goal after goal.
But CrossFit is more than just exercise. Nutrition, conditioning, and strength training work together for maximum benefit. (insert pyramid)
CrossFit's foundation is based on a lifestyle habit. What other regimen can you name that has a foundation in nutrition?
Do you know someone, or have you ever been grinding hard at the gym consistently for months and not seeing the results? Hard work in the gym alone without healthy nutrition and enough sleep does not create results. The nutritional foundation of CrossFit is what all of your efforts inside the gym are built on. We want our nutrition to consist of eating just enough whole foods and consuming just enough calories to support our body and daily energy expenditure. Whole foods. Foods that are not processed come from the earth and are nutrient-dense. In other words, eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar.
But I don’t like cardio
No sweat—we got you! We will progressively guide you through Metabolic conditioning (met-con)—exercises that increase the amount of energy stored and released by the body—so you are not overworked with any challenges. CrossFit trains the body's three energy sources using a constant variance approach, so the metcons create a new challenge and obliterate plateaus. Metcons benefit cardiovascular function and decrease body fat.
Our coaches are experts at working with beginners and experts at helping each athlete strategize effectively and safely. Members must show up, and we'll guide your efforts in the most effective direction!
Will we be doing backflips in CrossFit?
Not quite, but base-level gymnastics will be used to train upper-body and core strength, balance, and accuracy. Basic gymnastic movements are the best tools used for developing upper-body and core strength. Pull-ups, push-ups, dips, rope climbs, sit-ups, squats, etc. CrossFit meets you exactly where you are at in your fitness journey. If an athlete is still working towards their first strict pull-up, upper-body pulling modifications will be prescribed, such as a negative pull-up, banded pull-up, ring row, or a bent-over barbell row. The methodology is universally scalable.
Weightlifting develops strength, speed, and power like no other training modality! Weightlifting plays a major role in creating and maintaining muscle mass, bone density, and tendon health as time passes. Weightlifting simply makes athletes less prone to injury and safer through any and all of life's endeavors. Also, if the goal is weight loss, weightlifting stimulates the body to continue to burn calories beyond the time spent in the gym working out!
There is no other methodology that is more inclusive and scalable than CrossFit. OK, so CrossFit might not be for everyone, but everyone can do it. Come see for yourself!